Too Strong for Weak Days
This is a unique mindset that places “weakness” on a predetermined schedule and allows for unbothered, day-to-day compliance of “strength.” I apply this mindset when keeping my word to others, but more importantly, keeping my word to myself. Right around sixteen years of age, I started to employ a self contract program. I would write down statements that were important to me and then sign the paper. These contracts would include random goals or big tasks to work towards in the future. For example, I would write "study every night for my final exam." or "stretch every day for twenty minutes." Whatever it was, I would write it down, sign it, and hang it up in my room. When a contract was completed, I would usually award myself with an epic cheat day. After years of fulfilling self contracts, they became a reminder to keep my focus locked in. I now apply these five words to every situation in my life, whether it is eating clean, sticking to my workout schedule, or just keeping my word with other people. I use this quote to better myself and to push myself to accomplish tasks to the best of my ability. You can start using it too.
"TOO STRONG FOR WEAK DAYS" I tell myself when I feel the temptation of junk food.
"TOO STRONG FOR WEAK DAYS" I tell myself when I am thinking of opting out of training.
"TOO STRONG FOR WEAK DAYS" I tell myself when I start to procrastinate.
"TOO STRONG FOR WEAK DAYS" I tell myself when someone asks for help and I am tired.
"TOO STRONG FOR WEAK DAYS" I tell myself when I am too tired to get ready for Jiujutsu.
"TOO STRONG FOR WEAK DAYS" I tell myself when a client asks to reschedule to my off day.
Too strong for weak days aims to maintain consistency with goal achievement and success; however, I still grant myself scheduled "weak days" to partake in under my own conditions. Therefore, it becomes much easier to remain "strong" on all the other days. To clarify, when I refer to weakness, I do not mean being physically weak, but instead in doing something that I could be doing better. Weakness is a variable that I schedule into my life to limit the spontaneous occurrence of it. When applied to a dietary lifestyle for example, I'll have one cheat meal per week (let's say shaved ice) planned usually a few days prior. The temptation of sweets, junk food, candy, or pastries is therefore not of concern to me knowing that I have my shaved ice to look forward to. Once that moment of planned weakness comes, it is far more rewarding, providing a sense of achievement. I fight the temptation of an unscheduled, or spontaneous "weak day" when I feel too tired to engage in training. Instead, my planned day off supplies the utmost motivation to push my physical potential the other six days of the week. Bottom line, this parameter puts weakness under my control, and the weakness does not control me. When I schedule failure on MY time, it becomes much easier to achieve success on MY time.
Located at 59 Kamehameha Hwy, Haleiwa, HI 96712, United States. Classes are held daily, and online coaching is also available. Contact me at for details.
Food/Events are available upon request. Free community workouts are hosted throughout the summer and around holidays. Large-group fitness birthday workouts include games such as fitness dodgeball, water balloon fights, tug of war, and others. Special events such as weddings have been coordinated where the guests (120+ participants) played games involving physical challenges and cognitive challenges revolving around the bride and groom.
Gym Training
“Training with Daniel over the years has been both very helpful and fun. We’ve worked on everything, from injury recovery to getting into peak physical shape for competitions. He has a great understanding of the body, physicality as well as health and nutrition. It’s great to work with someone who understands injuries, having also been through it themselves. Most importantly, he’s a great person and easy to connect with! ”
About The Coach
founder & Trainer
Daniel Bachman
Daniel Bachman is the Performance Coach behind the functional fitness training lifestyle. He was born and raised on the North Shore of O’ahu. His unique approach to exercise, nutrition, and flexibility are the culmination of years of experience in the industry.
Certified Strength & Conditioning
Specialist, (CSCS)
Bachelors of Exercise Science
BYU Hawaii, 2016
Black Belt Brazilian Jiujiutsu
North Shore, O’ahu
• 12+ years training experience
• 10+ years coaching experience
• Ginastica Natural Level 3
• Crossfit
• Crossfit Mobility